Friday, December 28, 2018

Hydration - More than H2O

Don't let the gym feel like the Sahara Desert!

It doesn't have to be hot outside for your athlete to lose essential hydration and electrolytes.
Here are a few great links to help you with your gymnast's hydration needs:

These links assist you in understanding hydration needs:

This link is a great resource for DIY Electrolyte Sports Drinks:

In addition to the awesome choices from Mommypotamus above we tried an easy cheat by making lemonade with Crystal Lite Pure and Coconut water.
Crystal Lite Pure States the following:
  • Contains No Artificial Sweeteners, Flavors or Preservatives; Gluten Free and Kosher
  • Sweetened with Sugar and Stevia Leaf Extract; Each 8 Ounce Serving Contains 5 Calories
  • Color Sourced from Turmeric
  • Flavor Sourced from Lemon and other Natural Flavor
By using coconut water in place of H2O we added some essential electrolytes.
Our girls were quite satisfied and it was an easy compromise.

"Watermelon water" was another summer favorite.
Why Watermelon?
Watermelon contains:
  • cancer-fighting lycopenes
  • tumor-blocking cucurbitacin E
  • vitamin C
  • carotenoids, AKA what your body generously turns into vitamin A
  • amino acid citrulline
  • potassium
  • magnesium
  • a handful of vitamins B
We made "watermelon water" in our Nutribullet.
Just cube a bunch of watermelon, grind a bit of sea salt in the batch, and fire it up in the blender.
Put in the fridge for a cool treat and add a sprig of mint or wedge of lime for fun.

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Basic Nutritional Guidelines Based on Mom Research ( I am NOT a nutirtionist!!)

First the disclosures and disclaimers:  I am not a nutritionist nor do I play one on TV.  I am just a Mom with a student athlete and a PT wh...