Friday, October 19, 2018

Basic Nutritional Guidelines Based on Mom Research ( I am NOT a nutirtionist!!)

First the disclosures and disclaimers:  I am not a nutritionist nor do I play one on TV.  I am just a Mom with a student athlete and a PT who loves working with gymnasts.

The position I hold at my gym involves assisting in the prevention of injuries and promotion of wellness.
During the summer (which is our off season,) I talk to the gymnasts about basic nutrition and bring in a healthy food item for them to sample in hopes of widening their horizons and encouraging healthy choices.
I put together a few power point slides to help the gymnasts at my gym have a visual "at a glance" look at the topics we cover.  Here are the slides I posted at my gym:

My quest for learning about nutrition led me to several great resources:
These are the bullet points I put together for ease of sharing and distilling information to my gym:
Nutrition News for Young Gymnasts:
These are the topics we covered in our “recipe of the week” time this summer in our “Pre-Hab/Wellness sessions:

Carbohydrates for Energy:

Depending on the duration and intensity of practice, most female teen gymnasts require between 2,000 to 2,400 calories per day, 50 to 60 percent of which should come from carbohydrates. For main meals, your gymnast should consume complex carbohydrate foods such as whole wheat bread and pasta, high-fiber breakfast cereals, low-fat or fat-free dairy products, fruits and vegetables. Additionally, snacking on nutritious, energy-rich foods such as a banana, yogurt with granola and fruit, low-fat cheese and crackers or a peanut butter and honey sandwich before and after practice will enhance her performance and replenish muscle stores.

Protein for Muscles:

Teen gymnasts need protein for building new muscles and tissues, to repair and strengthen muscles after strenuous practice, and for hormone and enzyme production. Calculate the amount of protein in grams required by your teen gymnast by multiplying her weight in pounds by 0.85 and dividing by 2.2. Include lean cuts of meat, poultry, fish, eggs, beans, lentils or tofu in every meal to meet protein requirements. Although 20 to 25 percent of total calorie intake should come from protein, avoid fried, breaded burgers and fatty cuts of meats, which increase calorie intake.

Healthy Fats:

In spite of their negative reputation, some fats are essential for building body cells and nerves, insulating and protecting organs and aiding the absorption of vitamins. Your teen needs about 20 to 25 percent of her total calorie intake from fat, most of which should be from healthy unsaturated fats such as those in fatty fish, olive oil, canola oil, nuts and seeds. Saturated fats found in whole milk, butter and fatty meats should not contribute more than 10 percent of the daily calorie intake, and trans fats from fried food and processed snacks should be avoided as they may increase blood cholesterol levels.

Bone Health:

Your gymnast needs 1,300 milligrams of calcium and 15 micrograms of vitamin D during the teen years. These nutrients help form strong bones that not only enhance gymnastic performance and resist fractures, but also prevent osteoporosis later in life. Low-fat milk and dairy products such as milk, cheese and yogurt are excellent sources of calcium and should be part of your teen’s daily diet. Dairy foods also contain other essential nutrients such as riboflavin, a water-soluble B vitamin as well as phosphorus, vitamin A and vitamin D.

Iron Intake:

Your teen’s diet should supply 15 milligrams of iron, a mineral essential for transport of oxygen throughout the body. Poor iron status resulting from losses during menstruation and demanding gymnastic routines may negatively affect the performance of your daughter. A diet rich in lean meat, eggs, leafy vegetables and fortified whole grains will provide adequate amounts of iron to meet the needs of your growing teen. Additionally, consuming a variety of foods from the different food groups will ensure your teen gymnast is getting all minerals and vitamins required for optimal growth and performance.

Staying Hydrated:

An important factor that decreases coordination, reaction time, concentration and stamina during a gymnastic performance is not drinking sufficient amounts of water. Encourage your teen to drink 10 to 12 cups of water every day. She should especially drink a cup or two before and during gymnastic practice to remain hydrated. Pure water, pure fruit juices and sports drinks are acceptable ways of hydrating your teen, but avoid coffee, tea, soda and sugary fruit punches.

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Basic Nutritional Guidelines Based on Mom Research ( I am NOT a nutirtionist!!)

First the disclosures and disclaimers:  I am not a nutritionist nor do I play one on TV.  I am just a Mom with a student athlete and a PT wh...