Friday, October 12, 2018

What is living the gym Mom life?

What is living the gym Mom life?
For me being a gym Mom requires an enormous amount of energy and organization.  Planning and preparing three nutritious meals per day for a teenage athlete is a part time job in and of itself.
Creating balance as a family when work, school, practice/rehearsal, and life forge on is a challenge and can be a daunting task for even the most brave of heart.
Add in the need to sleep, complete homework and household tasks, meet deadlines, travel for events, and find time for sweet nuggets of family fun and rest - life moves fast and you need to run to keep up.
Fortunately for me I am blessed with a supportive family and social network.
Together we get it done and figure it out.
If I categorize major themes that carry my family through our life I would have to include food (I'm Italian - what do you expect??,) community, wellness, and FFF (Forced Family Fun - the sweet nuggets of life your kids hate when they are teenagers but will forever keep in their hearts.)
This blog shares insights intended to address all of the above.
I also include professional insights I have gathered in my 32 years as a physical therapist as they pertain to assisting my kids as athletes and performers.
I hope you can take away one little tidbit which assists you in your journey as a parent and family member moving through the joy and challenge of raising your family.

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